Silk Road FAQs

How do you go 1 year or more?
We have a 1 year MAPS program. We have a 2 year Missionary Associate plan. Use the Go form to contact our Pipeline team to learn more.
How long does the application process take?
Once you turn in an application it can take up to:
4 months for the MAPs application
6 months for the Missionary Associate application.
What is the difference between MAPS & MA?
MAPS is a one year term for single individuals. The application process takes approximately 4 months to approve. No pre-field orientation is required. MA (Missionary Associate) is a 1-2 year term. The application is a little more involved than the MAPs application. The approval process takes up to 6 months. You will need to receive approval from your AG network offices. The budget is a bit higher than MAPS. Pre-field orientation and security training are required before you depart for the field.
How long does it take to register for a short trip?
You should start the registration process 2 months before the departure date.
Do I need to have experience or education?
No. We have training teams for our long term workers, allowing them to train while on the field.
Do I need to be debt free to go long term?
Financial obligations should not exceed a maximum of $250 per month (not including house/auto payments).
Do I need to fund myself?
While that is an option, most people raise their budget through financial partnership. We have coaches who will help along the way.
Joining as a single:
You can step in as a 1 yr MAPS or 2 year MA worker. You may have a roommate on the field.
Joining as a family:
You can step in as one or two year Missionary Associate(MA) workers. Your budget increases with the amount of people in your family. You will need to attend pre-field orientation for approximately 10 days. The June training offers care, activities and training for every member of the family, even the youngest.
Can I step in as a Career Missionary?
Central Eurasia leadership encourages people without experience to step in at the MAPS and MA level. This allows you to become familiar with the Live Dead Silk Road DNA. Career Appointment has more qualification requirements. Whether single or a family, the Live Dead Silk Road team you join will become a great support system and you’ll find yourself being a part of a big, beautiful family.
What about my children?
Live Dead Silk Road has a team devoted to our TCKs (Third Culture Kids). They are there to help them as they adjust to this new life and will provide emotional and spiritual support along the way. We also have an educational specialist to help with their educational needs.
What is a Church Planting team?
Church planting teams look different than training teams. While the launch team fills your church planting tool belt, the CP team is a place where you use one or two of these tools at a time, determining most effective use for your situation.
What types of platforms?
Most of our CP teams use various types of businesses as a platform to stay in their locations. Where there is a local body of believers, we strive to work together with them to reach their communities. Platforms such as: farming, teaching, cafe’s, community centers, and more