16 countries

300 million people

5 percent know Jesus

Live Dead Arab World exists to make disciples and plant the church among the 400 unreached people groups of the Arab world. We are deploying church planting teams from our training centers to 33 gateway cities across the Middle East and North Africa.









Explore the Region

  • Algeria
  • Bahrain
  • Egypt
  • Iraq
  • Jordan
  • Kuwait
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Oman
  • Qatar
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Syria
  • Tunisia
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Yemen
Over 300 Million Muslims Live in the Arab World

There are more than 330 UPGs across the 16 countries of the Arab world. No church, no believers, no chance to hear the gospel. Unless we do something about it.

This Great Unfinished Task

“Face to face with these millions in darkness and degradation, knowing the condition of their lives on the unimpeachable testimony of those who have visited these countries, this great unfinished task, this unattempted task, calls today for those who are willing to endure and suffer in accomplishing it.”

— Samuel Zwemer, Missionary to the Arab World

Live out your giftings among these unreached.

God wants to use athletes, musicians, artists, lawyers, doctors, plumbers, shepherds, farmers, police, engineers, and even carpenters to make His glory known. The beauty of who God is, adorned by the devoted gifts of His people, is to be carried to all the world and every people group through every vocation. The Lord of the harvest commanded us to make disciples of all the nations. There are still 330 unreached people groups in the Arab world, and we still need thousands of missionaries of every gift, every talent, every age, and every race, men and women full of God’s creative wisdom in their craft, making God beautiful as they carry His presence to the unreached peoples of the world.

Join a Live Dead team

Throughout the world church planting teams are actively at work planting churches among the unreached.


Launch a Pray Band

As people are sent, the gospel spreads, and communities are shifting in God-honoring ways.


Support a New Team

The gospel collides with a variety of backgrounds and traditions as missionaries live among the unreached.


Host a Live Dead Summit

We see “a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages” encounter Christ.

Email the Advocacy Team

Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are ripe for harvest.

Since 2012

We have been working here for nearly a decade and continue to see growth all around.

32 Teams

We are exponentially increasing our presence here as more people choose to relocate for the sake of the gospel.


So far, we have established a gospel witness in 15/16 countries. One more to go!

UPGs Reached

We have been able to reach several of the UPGs located throughout these countries and look forward to reaching more!

“Why the Arab world? Because Jesus deserves glory from all the peoples living in the heart of Islam.”

The Sudanese have a poignant proverb: “If you want to kill an elephant, you cannot stab its shadow.” Jesus taught a similar truth when He observed that if you want to plunder the strong man’s house, you must first bind the strong man (Luke 11:21–22). A premier opportunity for the gospel in our age is Islam. The heart of Islam is the Arab world. The financial center (petrol dollars), the emotional center (Mecca), and the ideological center (Cairo) all are found in the Arab world. Yes, there are countries with more Muslims in them than Saudi Arabia or Egypt, but if there was a massive revival among Saudi Arabians or Egyptians, it would have an incredible, far-reaching impact on the whole world of Islam (and beyond). If we truly want to see Jesus glorified in all the world, among every people, we must make a concentrated effort to preach among Muslims. And the Muslim center is the Arab world…

Live Dead: The Journey

A personal journey with missionaries that live and work for the glory of God in twelves cities of the Arab world.


Live Dead Life

A 30-day journey with a missionary kid in a radically Islamic Arab country.


Leading Muslims to Jesus

A practical guide to help women and men lead Muslims to Jesus wherever they live.


Healthy, Long-Term Service

Fruitful ministry often begins after ten years on the field; yet the average worker leaves the Arab world after only seven. Our desire is that you live in a state of healthy long-term service for God’s kingdom in the Arab world, so we place a strong emphasis on learning language, culture, and missiology even as you establish a sustainable long-term rhythm of life. Start your journey with Live Dead Arab World on one of our Launch Teams.