Fishers of Men

Have you heard the expression “Boots on the Ground?” Well our Live Dead Missionaries are the boots on the Silk Road. Here we’d like to take a moment and allow one of them to share part of their life with you. Some names and details have been changed, but this is a true story from this colorful, vibrant, and sometimes surprising region and those who God has called to work here.

In October of last year, our team had a special week where every day we were praying, interceding, training on how to share better, and going out in twos. 

During this very special week, there were many hungry people, some we are still meeting with, still watering, still watching for growth. Some are growing well, others stopped before really taking root. 

This past week, a couple of women on our team went to follow up with a woman they had shared with. They had asked for prayer that they would receive some direction on where to go next with her, what to do because they were not sure where she was at in the whole process. It is not easy to gauge!

When they got there, they found out that she had found a church (how this happened, I am not sure, as most churches are closed right now) had been reading a Bible, and was really excited to learn more. With that positive response, the ladies decided to ask if she was ready to follow Jesus, and she responded that she had and that she had become born again! 

She said that she could trace the way God had brought her to Himself through the ladies, the Bible, finding the church, all of it. And she now has decided that she wants to share with her mother and her sister. This is amazing!

Will you please pray for this woman? Join us as we pray for her to continue to seek after Jesus, share about His truth, ad that those she shares with will come to know the Lord as their God and that she will be encouraged by those around her turning to faith. 

Rejoice with us, a new sister in Christ has joined the family of God!